Hallow Blast 2024!

Hey Fighters!

Spooky season is here, and the festivities are on for the next month! 🎃

During this event, every mission will give you Festive Pumpkins in addition to your normal rewards. There’s a limit on how many you can collect each day before the rewards start to drop off. You’ll also have a chance to receive a Hallow Blast 2024 Weapon Case from battles during mission hours.

Check out the shop for festive offers, including new Profile Icons, Frames, weapons, and Epic Halloween-themed Grenades! Use your Festive Pumpkins to buy Keycards for your cases and explore an exclusive new collection for the event.

If you’ve got extra scraps, visit the workshop to try your luck with the new Hallow Blast Blueprint. It’s pricey, but the rewards are worth it 💰

As a bonus, the newly released Tumbleweed Sticky Grenade Launcher is also available for purchase using your Festive Pumpkins!

Last year’s bundle featuring Halloween-themed Hats is back for the event, and the Pumpkin Hats are also up for grabs in the event shop 🎩

Don’t forget to join our Discord server and participate in the daily giveaways for a chance to win Festive rewards and Bit-Chips! 💰

Here’s a TL;DR of what’s available:

  • Two new weapon skins have been added: "Boo!" and "Slime Twirl," available for multiple weapons.

  • Three epic grenade skins are now available for Venom, Hex-6, and Dazzler.

  • Three new profile frames have been added.

  • Eight new profile icons are now available.

  • Last year’s Hallow Blast Hats are returning, so the hunt is on.

  • A new Hallow Blast 2024 Weapon case and Keycard have been added.

Time to jump in and unlock some rewards! 👻


Spring Shake-Up!

