“Me and MY army!”
a fighter with friends
Sonny is an ex-military fighter who uses autonomous mechanical devices that allow his team to increase their effective size. Sonny is also a great fighter himself, but has problems controlling his anger during battle. During his time in the Brazilian army he had a history of trying to do too much. To compensate, a friend of his designed a system of mobile turrets that would give Sonny a greater spread on the battlefield. Sonny now calls his battlefield sentries "my little helpers" and sometimes can be heard talking with them when he thinks he's alone.
Sonny is a competent metal artisan, a skill he learned while working in a car repair shop during his youth. He has a particular friendship with Arx and Nigel, and the three of them enjoy building projects together in a workshop they share. Sonny appreciates personal craftsmanship and prefers to get his weapons from the Xerxes Gunsmith Collective in Detroit, but for financial reasons he also frequently uses Zhang products. Sonny was generally liberal in his youth, but after seeing the chaos caused by various rebel groups in Brazil, he became a political conservative that believes only a strong government can bring peace to everybody. Sonny is in the UltraHorse Towers now because he believes the establishment of a new world will require a strong military.
it’s samba time!
When not fighting, Sonny prefers to be in a large group, having fun, making jokes, and singing and dancing. Sonny is a typical Brazilian in that he is quite friendly and an enthusiastic party companion. He really likes Carnivale and all the music and dancing. He is friends with almost everybody in the UltraHorse Towers compound, but sometimes he does have problems with liberal loudmouths. He does enjoy practical jokes, and once pranked the New Dawn gang by using glue to stick their knives and forks to the table in the cafeteria.
Sonny is a very good cook, often cooks for his friends, and does not like to eat alone. He brags that he can make a delicious meal from anything found in the jungles that surround the UltraHorse Towers complex. He has a large collection of expensive cooking knives and always plays music when cooking. He is a big fan of forró, samba, música nativista, Brazilian funk, and modinha.
Sonny does not like to swim, and despite hanging out often with his science minded friends in UH, Arx and Nigel, is spooked by voodoo. Although he hides it from everybody, especially his science buddies Arx and Nigel, Sonny does secretly visit Madame Jaboz, a Brazilian witch-doctor in Fortaleza, at least once every month. To cover his absences, he tells people he is going to visit his family.
callsign: sonny
ability: little helpers
name: Salvatore Luis Carvalho
origin: brazil
affiliation: echoes
Sonny’s turret sentries are famous among the fighters of Squad Blast, and it’s common for folks heading out on an UltraHorse mission to ask Sonny and his robot sentries to join their squad.
As amazing as the sentries are, Sonny does have a few problems with them. Mostly, some of the little drone warriors get jealous when one of their brothers gets more action than them. Some of them will pout and refuse to fire if they don’t like where they’ve been placed, and sometimes they all just fire at the same enemy. Chronic misbehavers are occasionally left behind when heading out on missions, but Sonny dislikes having to use such discipline.
In an attempt to solve this problem Sonny practices with all of them frequently to coordinate their actions. He often takes his little charges to team-building workshops in an attempt to develop camaraderie, and he also schedules mock battles on the UH shooting range using refitted paintball weapons. Human volunteers for these sessions are hard to come by, even though Sonny repays them with delicious Picanha barbecue and Feijoada feasts.